Advanced Formula - added glycol aids in a faster, stronger stain removal system.
Glycol has a higher acidity resulting in a fast acting stain removal system.
Treatment Times (in studio) vary from 40 - 60 minutes.
Do not use on pregnant clients, those that suffer from cold & sweet sensitivity or under the age of 16.
We recommend Advanced for Strawberry blonde/ red hair toned clients and clients that present with strong enamel.
**Please complete visual checks every 5-7 minutes.Available in CanadaUSA- Dental Professionals Not Available for Europe
To use in office:
Apply Chapstick
Insert cheek retractor
Take picture/shade
Place a small amount of gel onto teeth (14-24, 34-44) *teeth should look shiny nbot goopy. Imaghine applying a layer of lip gloss.
Turn on light.
Perform checks every 7-10 minutes. This includes removing gel with gauze and re applying gel.
Ensure gel is not on the gum tissue.
This can be repeated up to 60 minutes.
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